MacOS Desktop support

Hi there,

I set up a unity project on my mac with the sdk 0.4.4. Correct me if I’m wrong but currently there is no possibility to create a desktop app on mac, right? If not maybe there will be an option to support it soon?

Intentionally I bought the Litho sensor just to do exactly that. That’s why I am little bit confused now…


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Hi Michael,

Thanks for getting in touch. The current SDK officially supports mac connections through the unity editor.

It will also work in a build but some of the UI elements will need tweaking to work with a desktop screen size. To quickly get the UI working in a build you can adjust the settings in the 'Canvas Scaler’component in the ‘LithoUI’ prefab to something like this.

Please let me know how you get on, or if you have any further questions.


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