Bug in 2019.3 w. 0.6.0 in new project

I’m using Unity 2019.3.0b4 and downloaded Litho 0.6.0 which says it requires 2019.3+

In a fresh project where I import Litho package I’m hit with this:
Library/PackageCache/com.unity.xr.arsubsystems@3.1.0-preview.1/Runtime/XRSubsytstem.cs(50,40): error CS0115: 'XRSubsystem<TSubsystemDescriptor>.OnDestroy()': no suitable method found to override

Changing line 50 in XRSubsytstem.cs from
protected sealed override void OnDestroy()
public sealed override void Destroy()
removes the error, but I’m not sure if it fixes the bug

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Sorry to hear you’re having that issue - I think the ‘b’ in the version number means you are on a beta-channel version of Unity. We tested the latest release on 2019.3.0f3 - can you try on the latest release-channel version, and see whether the same thing happens?

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Good point :slight_smile: I will!

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So far so good :slight_smile: You were right, and it seems to run in URP too now, so my other post was wrong too. Thanks! Looking forward to try it in action now!

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